To design an app where users search for pet sitters to schedule pet care
Phase 2: Define the scope
Elaborating the main user's journey through the product
The PetCuida platform has two main audiences: caregivers and tutors. Thus, it was necessary to think about the needs and usability of these two different audiences. I designed a happy journey for each of these personas to reach their primary goal and the necessary actions to be taken for them. With the emotion being tracked through the journey, it was possible to visualize the points in the journey that can be sensitive for the users, so I paid special attention during the design process on them.
Setting the information architecture
I am a huge fan of information architectures in which users can arrive wherever they want on the site, starting from any point of it (this is called Matrix structure! 💊😎), so I mixed it with a hierarchical structure to make it easier for the users to locate themselves. It was a very fun part to set, and it took me some time doing benchmarks to understand the information grouping. This step can also be done with a sore carding with users, and I intend to do it in this way in my next cases.